Thursday, October 30, 2008

Reconsider the Flu Shot

The whole premise of the flu shot is a problem because flu virus strains are constantly mutating and there is no way for researchers to determine this year’s flu strain

According to the Centers for Disease Control, The National Institutes of Health, and 30 years of data, the flu shot has not saved any lives

The flu shot can not only cause the flu, especially if given to a person with a weakened immune system like the elderly, small children and pregnant women, but it also exposes the recipient to toxins such as mercury, formaldehyde & aluminum

Consider this:

-A single dose of the flu vaccine will expose a person to 25 micrograms of mercury in one day
-Mercury has been proven to kill brain neurons
-According to the FDA & EPA, the maximum mercury exposure for the average 6 mo old should be no more than 7/10ths of one microgram of mercury in one day.
-Mercury can cause failing memory in adults
-Individuals who get too many consecutive flu shots can have 10 times the chance of developing Alzheimer’s as those who received one, two or no shots

Ingredients in a Flu Shot
•Ethylene glycol (antifreeze)
•Phenol, also known as carbolic acid (this is used as a disinfectant, dye)
•Formaldehyde, a known cancer-causing agent
•Aluminum, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease, seizures and also cancer producing in laboratory mice (it is used as an additive to promote antibody response)
•Thimerosal (a mercury disinfectant/preservative) can result in brain injury and autoimmune disease
•Neomycin and Streptomycin (used as antibiotics) have caused allergic reaction in some people.

Possible Side Effects of the Flu Shot
–Allergic reactions (especially in those with egg/poultry/feather allergies)
–Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a de-myelinating disease caused by acute infection with an ascending paralysis, if not treated immediately can cause death due to inability to breathe)
–Temporary neurological disorders (encephalopathy, optic neuritis/neuropathy, partial facial paralysis, brachial plexus neuropathy)
–Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)

Feed A Cold, Starve a Fever?

Actually it is Feed a Virus, Starve a Bacteria

According to New Scientist, January 2002,

“Dutch scientists have found that eating a meal boosts the type of immune response that destroys the viruses responsible for colds, while fasting stimulates the response that tackles the bacterial infections responsible for most fevers.”

It is important to note that viruses can cause fevers along with bacterial infections

Halloween Candy ALERT!


About a month ago, samples of Cadbury chocolate produced in China were found to contain melamine - an industrial chemical that can be used to mask protein deficiency. Melamine tainted pet foods had sicken and killed pets in the United States and contaminated milk products had sickened over 50,000 Chinese children with kidney failure and killed some of them.
Now consumer are warned to watch out for Halloween candy for sale in the U.S. may be tainted with melamine. Milk powder, produced in China, may have been used to produce Halloween candy that's currently on sale all across the country. See some provided links to YouTube clips with more information.You may want to throw away candies you already purchased especially those that were made in China.

PLEASE share this urgent message with your family and friends to help ensure a safe Halloween for our children.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Those Lovely Lead Lips

On October 11, 2007, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics released new products tests that revealed more than half of 33 brand name lipsticks tested (61 percent) contained detectable levels of lead. One-third of the tested lipsticks exceeded the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 0.1 ppm limit for lead in candy. Lipstick, like candy, is ingested directly. Nevertheless, the FDA has not set a limit for lead in lipstick. Lovely.

Check out their website to see if your personal products are safe at

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Guard Your Girls Against Gardasil

I received this information from a colleague and I wanted to pass it on. I have been warning patients, friends and anyone else who will listen to avoid the Gardasil vaccination for girls and for good reason.

Merck, tried to strong arm the Texas legislators to mandate it two year ago. A recent report published by Judicial Watch has summarized the approval process, side effects, safety concerns, and marketing practices related to the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil based on records obtained under a May 2007 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The organization calls the approval of Gardasil as a vaccine as a large-scale public health experiment.
Here are some of the report findings:
-78 cases of outbreaks of warts following the vaccine in women already infected without knowing it.
-Besides genital warts, some patients experienced massive outbreaks on the face, hands, or feet, sometimes caused by strains not included in the vaccine.
-The vaccine increases the incidence of CIN 2/3 (cervical endothelial neoplasia in moderate stage) in women who had persistent infection with vaccine-relevant HPV strains at baseline.
-A chart in a report of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) showed an efficacy rate of -44.6% (that's a minus sign) in subjects already exposed to relevant HPV types.
-Most tests with Gardasil were done against an adjuvant-containing rather than a nonreactive saline base, possibly making the vaccine appear safer than it actually is.
-It reported that 27% of pregnant women experienced an adverse reaction upon receiving the vaccine, and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) contains 45 cases of spontaneous abortion following Gardasil.
-A total of 8,864 VAERS reports have been filed, including 38 of Guillain-Barre syndrome (a virus that causes paralysis and is connected with Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders) and 18 deaths, 11 occurring within one week of receiving the vaccine. Association, of course, does not prove causality.
-Diane Harper, M.D., a principal chief investigator in clinical HPV trials, was quoted in a Medscape article as saying, "The side effects that have been reported are real and they cannot be brushed aside." She suggested that physicians not vaccinate patients with personal or family histories of the more serious complications, which have included neurologic disorders, thromboembolism, and autoimmune conditions.
-Gynecologist Christiane Northrup, M.D., said on an Oprah show that she wouldn't advocate vaccinating her daughters, and that medical dollars were better spent elsewhere. Of course her view is opposed by many vaccine front groups masquerading as consumer advocacy such as the National Cervical Cancer and HPV Coalition. In addition to that, The FDA and CDC issued a joint statement reassuring the public and physicians of the vaccine's safety.
There are many safe natural remedies that can prevent cervical cancers. Diet, nutrition, detoxification and herbal supplements to strengthen the immune system are simple and effective ways to prevent any cancers. Even if a teen does not show adverse reaction after being vaccinated with HPV shots, it does not protect her from contracting the virus nor will it protect her from getting cervical cancer in the future. The toxic chemicals in the vaccine will certainly compromise her health immediately.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Irradiated lettuce and spinach

I received the following alert from the Organic Consumers Association ( I am posting it because I feel it is so important that consumers are aware of what the FDA and the food industry is doing to the food supply

Alert of the Week:FDA OKs Irradiated Lettuce and Spinach Rather than dealing with the problems inherent in a disease-ridden factory-farmed food system, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in mid-September it will allow the irradiation of lettuce and spinach. Food irradiation is the controversial practice of bombarding food with high levels of x-rays (ionizing radiation) in order to destroy disease causing pathogens. Unfortunately, in the process of irradiation, other hazards arise, like the creation of toxic free radicals, vitamin and nutrient loss, and the formation of carcinogenic chemicals. While irradiated lettuce and spinach must be labeled in supermarkets, there are currently no labeling requirements whatsoever for restaurants, schools, hospitals, or nursing homes serving irradiated produce or other nuked foods such as beef. Over the past decade, OCA and our allies in the organic community have prevented corporate agribusiness and the nuclear industry from contaminating organic standards. Food irradiation is prohibited on any product labeled as "organic." There is currently a 30 day comment period for the FDA's new rule.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Problem with Plastic Bags

The plastic bags we get at the grocery store, office supply store, electronic store, etc., will exist on earth for 1,000 years before decomposing. The bags' petroleum-based plastic contaminate the environment and the food chain.

-September 2007 San Francisco banned plastic bags

-July 2010 Los Angeles will ban plastic shopping bags from stores

-China put a nationwide ban on plastic bags beginning June 1st, 2008 saving China 37 millions barrels of oil a year

-Bangladesh already bans plastic bags along with 30 remote Alaskan villages

-South Africa, Ireland & Taiwan tax shoppers or charge fees on companies that distribute plastic bags

Not only do plastic bags cause environmental dangers and use valuable oil, they are dangerous to our bodies. Exposure to plastics whether it is through the food chain or in our environment, is disruptive to our hormones acting like estrogen in our bodies. Estrogen-like compounds called xenohormones are one of the main reasons for the high numbers of breast & prostate cancer, infertility, PMS, precocious puberty, and problems with gall bladder, thyroid and adrenal glands.

You can make a big impact on your health and your environment by getting plastic bags out of your life

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ban Drug Ads on Television

I received an email from a colleague on a topic that I feel very strongly about. We are inundated with pharmaceutical ads on our TV everyday encouraging patients to "Ask your doctor about...". With the recall of many drugs like Vioxx and Baycol, it is obvious that the FDA isn't doing enough to fully research drugs before releasing them to the public.

The United States is the only country IN THE WORLD that allows pharmaceutical companies to advertise on television. We have 5% of the world's population and take 75% of the world's medications. The link below allows you to send an email to my member of Congress urging their support of a new bill that would ban advertising of new prescription drugs for three years.

While I feel it doesn't do enough by completely banning all pharmaceutical ads, it is a start and allows time to address safety problems before the drugs become well known and patients are asking their doctors for the drug. The bill also would require a toll-free number on all TV drug ads so we can easily report serious side effects to the FDA. The more quickly the agency knows about dangerous side effects, the more quickly it can get unsafe medications off the market.

I hope you will take 30 seconds and participate.

Starting a Blog

I have decided to set up a blog to share important health information that I come across along with answering common questions from friends, family and patients

I hope you find it helpful