The plastic bags we get at the grocery store, office supply store, electronic store, etc., will exist on earth for 1,000 years before decomposing. The bags' petroleum-based plastic contaminate the environment and the food chain.
-September 2007 San Francisco banned plastic bags
-July 2010 Los Angeles will ban plastic shopping bags from stores
-China put a nationwide ban on plastic bags beginning June 1st, 2008 saving China 37 millions barrels of oil a year
-Bangladesh already bans plastic bags along with 30 remote Alaskan villages
-South Africa, Ireland & Taiwan tax shoppers or charge fees on companies that distribute plastic bags
Not only do plastic bags cause environmental dangers and use valuable oil, they are dangerous to our bodies. Exposure to plastics whether it is through the food chain or in our environment, is disruptive to our hormones acting like estrogen in our bodies. Estrogen-like compounds called xenohormones are one of the main reasons for the high numbers of breast & prostate cancer, infertility, PMS, precocious puberty, and problems with gall bladder, thyroid and adrenal glands.
You can make a big impact on your health and your environment by getting plastic bags out of your life
1 comment:
I wanted to suggest putting the jbswellness logo on some reusable grocery totes!
Also....for anyone interested, I wanted to share a coupon code good for 20% off your total purchase at www.reusablebags.com. The site has a bunch of bag options...as well as stainless steel water bottles, etc. The coupon code is good until April of 09. Coupon code: f70838
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